Yesterday was a great day at the awards for Remember Ember! I love receiving blog awards! It gives me the warm fuzzies and reminds me of the great support I have within the blogging community! Not to mention how flattering it is when thinking of the blogs to pass the awards on to, mine was one of them.
I've chosen to make the "pass it on" numbers short & sweet since I have a couple awards to post.
The first award is the Cherry on Top Award!
Rules for this award:
1. Thank the person who awarded this to you:
I love Kristy over at Mommy Hates Cooking! Not only does she have great recipes for the whole family, but you can see her softspoken shiny attitude beaming from her blog! Thank you for being a great bloggy friend and thanks for thinking of me for this super cute award!
2. Copy and put the award on your blog.
3. List 3 things which you love about yourself.
*I ALWAYS try to find the good in people.
*I am strong in my FAITH.
*I love my nose! Always have, always will! =P
4. Post a picture that you love.
5. Pass this on to a couple of the sweetest bloggers...because we like to SHARE THE LOVE.
*Accustomed Chaos -Devan always has something sweet and supportive to say! I ♥ her!
*Beloved Mama - She has a WONDERFUL way of inspiring me through her blog!
*Letters for Lucas -Tonya is my kind of girl, grab a cuppa joe and go read!
The next award I received is the Versatile blogger award:
Here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
Thank you Jennifer over at Life with the Lebedas! You are one of the most supportive and positive bloggy friends! Thank you so much for every kind word and thought you have sent my way!
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
*I can't stand to eat chicken on the bone, when I do, I carefully leave a layer of meat on the bone so I don't have to see it.
*I have a love affair with sweets, prolly why I had so many cavities.
*I knew we weren't going to have anymore children and got tired of being the only girl in the house so I got a "girl" dog to have my back. I'm the queen, she's the princess!
*I was always a cat person until 2 years ago when I got the "princess".
*My husband & I have known each other for 22years.
*I'm a reality TV junkie, it would probably be easier to name the ones I don't watch.
*I can't stand to see hair when its not ON something. Gives me the heebs just thinking about it. I hold my breath when cleaning the drain in the shower or just suck it up with the vac. Bleck.
3. Pass the award onto a few other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.
*The Stinker Pinkers -Kimberly rocks! She always has something fun to read!
*Pumpkin Butter -Ashley has the sweetest little girl ever and we share a love for Reality TV!
*Pumpkin Butter Cooks -Ashley has a recipe blog too that you must check out! YUM!
*Sweet Tea & Giggles -How could you not wanna visit a blog with that name!
4. Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award.
Thanks again for these wonderful awards! And to the ones I passed them along to, ENJOY! You all deserve them! =)

Thanks Mama !! I love you too ♥
You are sooo sweet!!!! Thank you!!!! :)
Glad you kept it going. Thanks for your sweet words and congrats on your awards!
Aww...thanks so much're so sweet to say such nice things. I enjoy your blog too! And still in love with your name :-) I am behind in accepting awards...but I sure do appreciate it!!! :-)
Thank you so much! What an honor :) AND I love your sweet blog too!!!
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