I absolutely LOATHE dishes, toilets and mopping!! If I could just get SOMEONE around here to do those I'll handle the rest! (ya, no need to pinch myself, I know its a dream) But really, everyone wants to complain about not having clean socks (get your a$$ up and look in the sock basket, I didn't have time to sort this week!) or a certain item of clothing ( y'all know where the laundry room and detergent is, GET ON IT) or how about the rogue cups around the house when your askin for a clean one? (the sink is full of dishes, WASH ONE)!!!!!! OH and one last note, do you think just maybe this once y'all could pee IN the toilet????
Now that I got the complaining out of the way, how about a positive? I love to vacuum! Its my favorite chore. Maybe because it drowns out all other sounds and I don't have to bend and reach for everything, I just suck it up with the vac! My family knows if I'm vacuuming you better have all your stuff picked up or its getting sucked up! =P
WOW now I feel much better! How about you? What's your favorite chore? Which one's do you loathe?

I feel your pain with socks!!! My hubby gets so annoyed when I don't fold and match all of the socks...ummmm yeah let me just add that to my list! :)
=) Glad I'm not alone girl!
I love, love, love the new layout!!!!
Hi Ember, following you so ollow me, and lets connect. By the way, love your blog. : )
Thanks Jennifer! Laura Jane Designs ROCKS!!
Johanna, what is your blog URL?? I tried looking in GFC but your not there?? I'll try Bloggy moms next! Would love to return the follow! =)
Watch out for the crazy woman with the vacuum!!! I hate all household chores ... does any one really truly LIKE them?
Thanks for following me from Buzz on By Thursday!
My mom didn't like house work, but she loved weeding...every time I had a baby and she stayed over my yards and flowerbeds looked wonderful!
Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed...well worth it, but...OUCH!
I HATE cleaning the bathroom!!! My favotie chore is probably vacuuming too, I always do it last so it's like the cherry on top and the house looks fancy! Cute blog!
Hi there,
I found you on Bloggy Moms and am now following you. I would love for you to stop by and check us out at www.fullhousemommy.com
I hate cleaning!! I've got seven children and can't get away from it thought. Boys can be so sloppy.
I'd love for you to join www.joyofgivingbirth.ning.com - It just launched in August but it's really growing. I can do a feature on your blog if you're interested.
WOW Tomica! My hat's off to you! 7 kids!
Thanks everyone for stopping by and reading! Makes me all warm n fuzzy! I'll be stopping in to check out all of your beautiful blogs today and follow if I'm not already!! =)
I'm following you now!
My favourite chore is washing the laundry. I've come to like hanging it on the line lately too. Folding it is kinda hit and miss.
I hate doing the dishes. I figure it's the fact that that was my main chore my whole childhood...
Thanks for stopping by! I think we are in the same boat about the dishes! It HAS to be why I hate them!
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