A quick note; I know some of you have seen my tweets about this but your gonna hear it again! haha My dear friend Cathy has started a blog http://lifeasweiknowit.blogspot.com/ Over the years she has given me some great advice and been a great ear when I needed to blah blah blah! I just know you will enjoy reading her words! I encourage you to go read her blog and show some comment love. I remember when I first started my blog over a year ago I would get great excitement out of reading the comments and seeing new followers!
A bit of excitement for me this weekend! The fam and I are going whale watching, I really hope to see some. I could watch the ocean for hours. Just don't like swimming in it. Don't want anything nibbling at my toes! =)
*Kotex sample
*Purex complete with Zout
*Carefree sample
*Creme of Nature shampoo
*Eucerin lotion
*Dove Daily treatment conditioner
Hmm...waiting to hear if you saw any whales. I've never been whale-watching but it's on my bucket-list for sure! :) New to the blog, but plan to be back.
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