June 15, 2011

Fun at the Aquarium of the Pacific

Thanks to Visittheplace.com I won a family 4 pack of tickets to the Aquarium of the Pacific.  So we went for a birthday/graduation trip!  They are a non profit organization and have a beautiful Aquarium packed with lots of fun!  Enjoy the pics!

In front of the humongous tank

What a great day!


SHARK!!!  The kids loved it!

Starfish and sea urchins
 (oh and the lady's hand who saw me taking pics but did that anyway, nice mani at least)

The Queen Mary is right behind this little island out there.

The look on every ones faces here are funny.  The I'm tired, hot and hungry looks! 
Happy Wednesday!


1 EatDrinkBeRunning said...

What a fun time! My boys love places like that. :)

2 Blogs said...

i think i enjoy the birds the most:) love them! and i can totally relate to those faces:) bahahahah:)

3 Unknown said...

Looks like you had a great time! I live in Long Beach! Hope you had a nice time!