September 27, 2011

Mi Vida Loca....

For those of you that don't know, it means, "My Crazy Life".  It seems as if the days are all running together and life just gets crazier everyday!  I can't remember that last time I had a chance to sit down and write a "to do" list!  That's like one of my favorite things to do, makes me feel organized.  I think maybe I'm trying to do too much??  Is there such a thing??  For instance, I'm blogging, making dinner and cleaning the desk all at once.  Oh and I just fed the dog too.  I do like to multitask but then halfway through all the sudden "SQUIRREL" and there goes those 3 tasks!  Oh and what was I talking about?  teehee.....

Monday morning I started my day like always dropping my oldest off at school and on the way back a spider decided to come down from its web right in front of my face!  IN MY CAR PEOPLE!  grossssss.....
After having a mini stroke I rolled down the window and blew him out!  See again "Mi Vida Loca"!

How about going to the gas station and this creep is rubbing on my purse as I'm standing in line!!  STRANGE!!

Never a dull moment around these parts I tell ya!  My wise words for myself and anyone else reading today are to select carefully the folks that you want to go on this ride we call life with you.  You know they are keepers if you all survive!


1 EatDrinkBeRunning said...

I'm an arachnaphobe, I'd freak!!

Anonymous said...

Yuck, I would NOT be happy about a spider in the car! Even worse, though, I think I would way overreact if I was driving and I saw a wasp inside! I'm glad you're still with us... ;)

Carla @ Jansen Family Adventures