I love cool weather like this! Overcast, light breeze with a little sunshine in the afternoon.... Its going to make tackling my backyard all the better too. This weekend is about cleaning and purging the crap. Simplifying things~ I need simple organization in my life. I feel like I'm being swallowed by all the chores piling up in the house. I'm holding myself to picking 2 sections outside and 2 sections inside to PURGE and simplify. Call it "Fall Cleaning" if you will. One of my first chores will be my hall closet. I've let it go wayyyyy to long and its time to tackle it. I'll post some before and after pics soon. Here's to simplifying things!
What are some things you do to simplify your daily life?
It always feels good to purge stuff!! I do the same thing, and try to keep it easy. Focus on one small area, such as a closet, or my beauty products to go through and toss out old stuff. It feel so good to have more room and organize what is left so that it looks neat!
I've though about setting a timer once a day and tackle! I love neat and clean but it gets messy so quick with my tornado of a family! =)
I like to declutter. we can end up with so much stuff around that it feels really good to just get rid of that.
Also i love to stop and lie down with the kids. No running around, no worrying about what we are supposed to be doing and just hang out.
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