Thanks to the help of Laura Jane Designs, I now have a new page link above for your blog buttons! If you would like me to add your button to this page leave me a comment below so I can get you up there! There are more and more blogs I find everyday that I LOVE to read and I want to share with my readers!
I know Freebie Friday is a little late today but its been a long and windy, full of hot flashes and new faces week! Enjoy your weekend and some freebies too!
Achooz saline nosewipes
Your Life Multi Adult gummies
FREE Pedometer

I'd love my button included on your site. Thanks!
You have the cutest blog, love it! I'm coming from Bloggy moms. I'm now following your lovely blog, hope to see you a t Happy weekend!!
Thanks for the love! I added both of your buttons! =)
I've added your blog button here -
Add mine if you'd like. :)
Lisa xoxo
Hello! I'm your newest follower from Bloggy Moms! I'm now following you via Google Connect and Twitter. Hope you'll do the same!
Thank you!
Thanks Kristina! I'm headed over to your blog now! =)
Thanks for adding my button. I'm trying to figure out how to do a seperate page for buttons. :)
I LOVE your blog so it was a must!! =)
Ask Miss Laura Jane! I would be so lost with her! LOL She works wonders!
Just wanted to say cute design! Thanks for stopping by and linking up at Relax n Surf Sunday!
I'm following you back.
Thanks Colleen! I LOVE the Relax n Surf! =)
Thanks for checking out my blog and becoming a new follower. I am now your newest follower as well. I'd love to have my button included on your site. I am currently trying to figure out how to do this myself. Come grab my button code and check out my new design by Hush Amanda.
Love your button Carly! I've added it to the Button Love page! =)
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