Today is a not so manic Monday, however it is a... Well, I'll fill in the blank...
Just another OVERWHELMING Monday...
I'm not sure what happened to the weekend but I am SO glad the kids don't have school today. It gives me time to work on 1 of 2 (yes 2) reports that my 5th grader has due Wednesday. Funny I just heard about it on Thursday.... I also have a million other things to do around the house and OH lest we not forget how I LOVE to overextend myself in any way I can with PTA(most of the time I don't realize I'm doing it). Probably a bad thing since it comes naturally now. Did I mention I have the itch to paint my bathroom too?? There I go overextending again...
Just another BILL PAYING Monday...
Oh how it NEVER ends... I like to pay bills on Mondays so I don't ruin my Friday's.
OOPS, where did the day go?? I'm sure I'll fit it in somewhere, I mean HOW hard is it to just walk into the living room turn on the DVD and exercise???
I did however manage to strip down the bedding and throw it in the laundry. Also chopped back my overgrown tomato plants and harvested my dying jalapeno plant WHICH inspired me to make my FAVORITE garden salsa!! I'll be posting the recipe tomorrow.
Here's to hoping you are all having a great Monday! If not, please fill in the blank so I know I'm not alone. =)
Navy Bean Soup
1 day ago
I'm having a getting nothing done Monday when I have a list a mile long! Good for you for doing bills and laundry. And I'm with you on the exercise, seems like it would be easy to squeeze it in but it's just not! Have a great day!
I managed to do some yoga FINALLY after procrastinating most of the day! =)
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