November 18, 2010

How I'm gettin my groove back!!

Its getting closer to my BIRTHDAY!!
This is my favorite time of the year!!  My birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years!!  How could it not be a great time of year?  I've always had some kind of epiphany, resolution or revelation around my birthday, you know, losing weight, eating better, blah blah blah!  This year I've decided to "Get my happy back"!!  Most of the time I've had a positive spin to every negative that came my way and just in general tried not to let anything get me down.  Well in the last 2 years one thing after the other has beaten me down enough to be a negative Nelly.  If anyone ever needed a hater party, I'm the one to call.  Last year at this time of year was an all time low for me and the momentum hasn't changed!  WELL I just can't take it anymore!!  Its time to pull my head outta my ass and get back to the positive!  I'm going to find my happy and drag it back into my life NOW.  Who wants a Debbie Downer 24/7??  NOT ANYMORE! 
I am going to turn this bitch around! I will get my groove back!  I'll start here this weekend by having another gift card giveaway!!  Stay tuned, oh and thanks for listening to my ramblin...


Robyn Lee said...

AWESOME to hear!!! This is the only way to live! :) Enjoy your time, and your Birthday!!! :)

Ashley said...

You are so cute, you don't come across as a negative nelly!! Great goal tho, we can all stand to be more positive!

Ember said...

I try not to let it come out the fingertips on here that much, don't want to bring y'all down! =) I'm getting better at being able to "own it" so I can blog it!