March 14, 2011

So in love with...

So as I'm checkin my teeth this morning for any remnants of the flaxseed cereal I had for breakfast, I noticed how white my teeth are getting!  I had somewhat yeller teeth (imagine me sayin this in my fun bumpkin accent) from my addictions to coffee and soda, oh and a few years of smoking too, bleck.  My mother has been hounding me to whiten them for YEARS, I recall getting whitening products as gifts too, real subtle mom!  Anyways I've tried em all and all they ever did was make my teeth sensitive.  HELLO you can't drink coffee with sensitive teeth!  Well I got some samples of Crest 3D Whitestrips a few months ago and noticed a difference right away!  I only use them about once every 5-7 days too.  No sensitivity so far and they don't "revert back" to yellowish either.  After using up the samples I requested that Santa aka my husband leave some in my stocking this past holiday.  I couldn't be happier that the yeller teeth are gone! Just thought I'd let y'all know another somethin' somethin' I'm in love with.....


Rachel said...

I've wanted to try those but wasn't sure if they really worked! Good to know that they do, that is awesome!!

Have a great day!


Unknown said...

I've thought about trying them too, thanks for letting me know they work! I always like visitng your blog!

Ember said...

They are awesome, there are also several $10 off coupons in the Sunday paper and online coupons. =)

Ashley said...

Ooh thanks for the tip, I'm going to have to try those! XO