May 23, 2011

Uhhh Hello....

I CANNOT believe it has been about a week since my last post!  I'm still here!  I promised myself this weekend that I wouldn't touch the computer so I could get some stuff done around the house.  ANNNDDDD I made it til Sunday afternoon.(it was hard because I have a great relationship with my computer! HA)  I did get a ton of stuff done though.  When I sat down last night it felt like I had been going nonstop for days.  Actually I think I have.  I cut up some fruit for the week, baked and cooked some goodies.  I forgot how much I LOVE to cook.  Yes recipes coming soon.  It was a pretty productive weekend. 

 Today has been a Monday for sure!  I almost had to bust out in song this morning, you know some sort of country western song about my truck breaking down(which it did) and any thing else that went wrong today on top of many emotional things too, my baby turns 8 Sunday, my big boy graduates from Elementary and my baby girl graduating high school!  (gotta love a good country song to get out your emotions!) 
Anyhow, I thought I would post 3 goals I have for the next week and then maybe just maybe I would hold myself accountable and get them DONE.

1. Actually sit down and eat my breakfast in the mornings.
2. Go to bed a half an hour earlier.
3. Have more patience.

OK so 2 outta 3 isn't bad right.  I used to be SO patient until I had kids.

♥ I hope you all have a FABULOUS week!  As always I appreciate each and every person that reads my blog ♥


1 Diane said...

I promise myself all the time that I'm not gonna touch the computer so I can get some stuff done around here and I always cave!

My oldest is graduating from elementary school in a couple of weeks too. Our school goes through June 10th. Big 7th grader next year!

2 Ember said...

Time goes by so fast doesn't it. It seems the older I get the faster it goes. =)

3 Rachel said...

I know what you mean about time going faster! My niece is graduating high school this year. It's been 15 years since I graduated high school, it seems like only yesterday. I need time to slow down!! :)