May 17, 2011

Wind in their sails....

Graduation time is here again....  This year its bittersweet...
First of all my big boy Evan is "graduating" from Elementary to Middle school!  He is my VERY strong willed child that will move mountains someday.  I remember holding him in my arms in the hospital like it was yesterday!  I thought the days would last forever and it just seems like time is going by faster and faster. 
Where does the time go??

Next my baby girl Jessica is graduating from High School and going off to college!
She is one of my best friends kids whom I pretty much stole and called my own her whole life!  I knew when I laid eyes on her 18 years ago she wouldn't let anything get in the way of her success and dreams.
Time flies....
Photo by Leslie Schmidt Photography

I hope the wind in your sails carry you far beyond your dreams...
I can't wait to see where you'll go!  I love you both TONS!  

I just know I'm going to need to bring on the tissue in the next couple weeks...  They are growing older which means I am too... 



1 Jenn said...

Awh, time does fly by!!
You have an 18 year old daughter?!? You sooo don't look that old! >> okay thats what i would have said until I finished reading the part about 'i stole and called my own' lol.
Congrats to your little man!! :)

2 Casey Martinez said...

where does the time go is right? Your little man is growing so fast...makes me want to keep mine younger longer!! lol. Congrats to him!

3 Jessica said...

lol...that's the baby picture that i put in for the senior slide show and yearbook...makes me laugh everytime i look at chunky

4 Val said...

Aww, what a sweet post. I have an 18 year old daughter too.